
2014年12月8日 星期一


Dec. 4 17:48~18:46




Teddy在《Scrum Shortcuts》看到一段改寫自《Essential Scrum》的敘述,對於自我管理描述的很好。該定義如下:

Self-organization is a bottom-up emergent property of a complex adaptive system. In such systems, many entities interact with each other in various ways, and these interactions are governed by simple, localized rules operating in a context of constant feedback. These types of systems exhibit interesting characteristics, such as being remarkably robust and producing amazing novelty.

看到這一句:「In such systems, many entities interact with each other in various ways, and these interactions are governed by simple, localized rules operating in a context of constant feedback.」,突然想起以前讀Alexander的《The Oregon Experiment》,書中所建議的建築規劃流程,和自我管理有著異曲工同之妙。在Alexander的方法中,這些「simple, localized rules」就是pattern和pattern language(模式和模式語言)。Alexander在書中列了六條規則,節錄如下:

  1. The principle of organic order: Planning and construction will be guided by a process which allows the whole to emerge gradually from the local acts.
  2. The principle of participation: All decisions about what to build, and how to build it, will be in the hands of the users.
  3. The principle of piecemeal growth: The construction undertaken in each budgetary period will be weighed overwhelmingly towards small projects.
  4. The principle of patterns: All design and construction will be guided by a collection of communally adopted planning principles called patterns.
  5. The principle of diagnosis: The well being of the whole will be protected by an annual diagnosis which explains, in detail, which spaces are alive and which ones dead, at any given moment in the history of the community.
  6. The principle of coordination: Finally, the slow emergence of organic order in the whole will be assured by a funding process which regulates the stream of individual projects put forward by users.





